论文: |
(1)Beikun Zhang, Liyun Xu, Jian Zhang. A multi-objective cellular genetic algorithm for energy-oriented balancing and sequencing problem of mixed-model assembly line. Journal of Cleaner Production, //doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118845
(2)Xiangnan Zhan, Liyun Xu, Jian Zhang, Aiping Li. Study on AGVs battery charging strategy for improving utilization. Procedia CIRP, 2019(81):558-563
(3)Huan Shao, Aiping Li, Liyun Xu, G.Moroni. Scalability in manufacturing systems: a hybridized GA approach. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2019(30):1859-1879
(4)Zhang Heng, Li Aiping, Xu Liyun, G.Moroni. Automatic estimate of OEE considering uncertainty. Procedia CIRP, 2019(81):630-535
(5)徐立云, 刘琨, 陈贻平, 李爱平. 考虑作业人员疲劳度均衡的第一类装配线平衡. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2019,Vol.47(2):241-247
(6)刘伟强, 徐立云, 陈贻平. 基于脆性风险熵的制造设备脆性测度与评估分析. 计算机集成制造系统,2019, Vol.25(11): 2820-2830
(7)Weiqiang Liu, Liyun Xu, Yiping Chen, Aiping Li. Structural Vulnerability Modeling and Evaluation of Manufacturing System Based on State Entropy. Procedia CIRP, 2018(72):750-755
(8)Beikun Zhang, Liyun Xu, Yiping Chen, Aiping Li. Remaining useful life based maintenance policy for deteriorating systems subject to continuous degradation and shock. Procedia CIRP, 2018(72):1311-1315
(9)Fan G, Li A, Zhao Y, Moroni G, Xu L. Human factors’ complexity measurement of human based station of assembly line. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing. 2018:1-10
(10)范国良,李爱平,刘雪梅,徐立云. 基于信息熵和Lempel-Ziv的生产线复杂性测度与线平衡. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2018, Vol.46(2): 228-234
(11)张恒,李爱平,刘雪梅,徐立云. 一类考虑返修和产品多态性的多级串联制造系统建模与性能分析.机械工程学报, 2017, Vol.53(18):191-201
(12)李爱平,张燕红,郭海涛,徐立云. 混流装配线车间内物料调度工位组划分优化法. 同济大学学报, 2017, Vol.45(8):1191-1197
(13)徐立云,陈延豪,高翔宇,李爱平. 混流柔性加工单元自动导引小车的调度优化. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2017,Vol.45(12):1839-1846
(14)Xu L, Chen Y, Briand F, et al. Reliability Measurement for Multitate Manufacturing Systems with Failure Interaction. Procedia CIRP, 2017, 63:242-247
(15)Liyun XU, Wei WEI, Yiping CHEN, Aiping LI. Preventive Maintenance Planning in a Unreliable production line with a branch buffer. IEEE 8th international conference on CIS & RAM, 2017,188-193
(16)徐立云, 刘伟, 楼科文,等. 基于改进免疫遗传算法的加工工艺重构. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016,44(6):907-914
(17)徐立云, 蔡炳杰, 曲宝升,等.任务分区及工位约束下装配线第二类平衡研究. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2016,44(2):269-275
(18)徐立云, 蔡炳杰, 杨连生,等.复杂机器人工位布局与运动时间的协同优化. 计算机集成制造系统,2016,22(8):1867-1876
(19)徐立云,郭昆吾,刘伟,等.基于可重构制造系统生产能力扩展过程的工艺重构. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,21(6):1460-1468
(21)徐立云,徐昌飞,邓伟,等.基于SA-PSO算法的发动机缸体机加工线平衡研究. 农业机械学报,2014,45(2):16-21
(22)Li X, Zhu F, Xu L. Actuator and Sensor Fault Reconstructions for Uncertain Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems Based on H∞ Observers. Asian Journal of Control, 2015, 17(6): 2206-2217
(23)Guo S, Zhu F, Xu L. Unknown input observer design for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy stochastic system. International Journal of Control Automation & Systems, 2015, 13(4):1003-1009
(24)Xu L, Deng W, Liu W, et al. Optimization of process planning for cylinder block based on feature machining elements[C]// IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2014:2575-2580
(25)Jiang, Xiu; Yang, Junqi; Zhu, Fanglai; Xu, Liyun. observer-based synchronization of chaotic systems with both parameter uncertainties and channel noise. International Journal of Bifurcation and chaos, 2014(7):1450095
(26)Zhang H, Li A, Liu X, Xu L, et al. Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Multistage Serial Manufacturing Systems with Rework Loops and Product Polymorphism. Procedia CIRP, 2017, 63:471-476
(27)Shao H, Li A, Xu L, et al. Scalability in manufacturing systems: a hybridized GA approach. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017(1):1-21
(28)Fan G, Li A, Giovanni M, Xu L, et al. Operation-based Configuration Complexity Measurement for Manufacturing System. 2017, 63:645-650
(29)Shao H, Li A, Liu X, Xu L, et al. A Heuristic Approach to Solve an Industrial Scalability Problem. Procedia CIRP, 2017, 63:21-26
(30)李爱平, 王世海, 芮云冬, 徐立云. 基于装夹选择的缸体零件柔性机加工生产线平衡优化. 计算机集成制造系统, 2016, 22(5):1254-1263
(33)朱芳来,董志豪,徐立云.实例检索中基于混合属性距离的相似性度量[J]. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2015,43(7):1089-1096
(34)F.L. Zhu, L.Y. Xu, W. Zhang. State estimation with unknown input and measurement disturbance reconstruction based on descriptor systems. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2015, February: 5524-5529