


浏览量:16202来源: 时间:2021-06-10

姓名: 陆志强






物流与供应链系统建模与优化、生产系统建模与优化、集装箱码头运作建模与优化, 飞机移动装配线调度建模与
导师类型: 博导






1999年-2003年,博士研究生,法国南特大学(Universite de Nantes, Ecole des Mines de Nantes);专业方向:物流与生产工程

1990年-1993年, 硕士研究生,上海交通大学机械工程六合彩资料 ;专业方向:生产自动化



2012年-至今,教授,博士生导师,上海同济大学六合彩资料 工业工程研究所

2005年-2012年,副教授,博士生导师,上海交通大学机械与动力六合彩资料 工业工程与物流工程系副主任

2003年-2005年,助理教授,法国Ecole des Mines de Nantes;法国IRCCyN研究所研究人员

1993年-1999年,助教、讲师、副教授, 上海交通大学机械工程六合彩资料 。

1993年、1994年,曾在德国斯图加特大学(Stuttgart University)做短期访问研究


"European Journal of Operational Research”, “Production and Operation Management”, “International Journal of Production Research”, "International Journal of Production Economics”, “Engineering Optimization”, "计算机集成制造系统", "上海交通大学学报", "自动化学报", "系统工程学报", "工业工程与管理"等杂志审稿人



在研项目 :


(1) 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:61473211):“飞机移动装配线柔性资源多模式多项目协同调度建模与优化研究”,项目负责人;


(3) 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:70771065):“具有集装箱码头作业决策背景的复杂 Flow Shop 调度问题的建模与优化研究”,项目负责人;

(4) “十一五”863计划先进制造技术领域重点项目(项目编号:2009AA043000-2009AA043001):“集装箱自动码头装备及示范”,上海交通大学项目负责人;

(5) 上海市浦江人才计划项目(项目编号:07pj14052):“协同物流运作管理的建模与优化研究”,项目负责人;

(6) 国家自然科学基金中港合作项目(项目编号:70831160527):“集装箱区域运输的协作管理:优化模型和决策系统”,主要参加人员;

(7) 上海市科委“登山计划”项目(项目编号:06DZ11202):“高效智能型立体装卸集装箱码头核心技术研发与应用”,主要参加人员;

(8) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(项目编号:59935120):“机电产品绿色设计理论及方法”,参加人员;

(9) 中国航天科技集团公司重点项目:“典型产品流程再造与制造模式研究”, 主要参加人员;

(10) 上海飞机制造有限公司大飞机技术攻关项目:“大型客机流动生产线关键技术的研究”,主要参加人员;

(11) 南京高精传动设备制造集团有限公司企业合作项目:“生产与物流系统规划设计”,项目负责人;

(12) 南京高速齿轮制造有限公司企业合作项目:“绩效管理与班组建设研究”,项目负责人;

(13) 南京高速齿轮制造有限公司企业合作项目:“小件加工新厂区精益生产系统规划设计与优化”,项目负责人;

(14) 南京高速齿轮制造有限公司企业合作项目:“新厂区精益生产系统与物流规划项目”,项目负责人;

(15) 英格索兰机械(上海)有限公司企业合作项目:“福建南方路面机械有限公司物流改善”,项目负责人;

(16) 美锦集团企业合作项目:“生态工业园区物流网络规划”,主要参加人员;

(17) 上海市交运动力股份有限公司企业合作项目:“GF6/L850制造系统精益规划及仿真优化”,主要参加人员;







(1) Weiwei Cui and Zhiqiang Lu. Minimizing the makespan on a single machine with flexible maintenances and jobs’ release dates[J], Computers & Operations Research, 2017, 80: 11-22. (SCI)

(2) Wei-wei Cui, Zhiqiang Lu, B. Zhou, C. Li and X. Han. A hybrid genetic algorithm for non-permutation flow shop scheduling problems with unavailability constraints[J], International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2016, 29: 944-961. (SCI)

(3) Chen Li, Zhiqiang Lu, Xiaole Han, Li Wang. Integrated scheduling of a container handling system with simultaneous loading and discharging operations[J]. Engineering Optimization. 2016, 48(3): pp397-414. (SCI)

(4) Bing-hai Zhou, Meng Yin, Zhi-qiang Lu. An improved Lagrangian relaxation heuristic for the scheduling problem of operating theatres[J]. Comupters & Industrial Engineering. 2016, 101:490-503. (SCI)

(5) Zhiqiang Lu, Wei-Wei Cui, Xiaole Han. Integrated production and preventive maintenance scheduling for a single machine with failure uncertainty [J], Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2015, 80, pp236-244. (SCI)

(6) Wei-Wei Cui, Zhiqiang Lu, Ershun Pan. Integrated production scheduling and maintenance policy for robustness in a single machine. Computers & Operations Research [J], 2014, 47, pp81-91. (SCI)

(7) Yuejun Zhang, Zhiqiang Lu, Tangbing Xia. A Dynamic Method for Economic Lot Sizing with Machine Failures. International Journal of Production Research [J]. 2014, 52(8), pp2436-2447. (SCI)

(8) Zhiqiang Lu, Yuejun Zhang, Xiaole Han. Integrating run-based preventive maintenance into the capacitated lot sizing problem with reliability constraint [J]. International Journal of Production Research,2013, 51(5), pp.1379-1391. (SCI)

(9) Lu Chen, Andre Langevin, Zhiqiang Lu. Integrated scheduling of crane handling and truck transportation in a maritime container terminal [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 225(1), pp.142-152. (SCI)

(10)Zhiqiang Lu, Xiaole Han, Lifeng Xi, Alan L. Erera. A Heuristic for the Quay Crane Scheduling Problem Based on Contiguous Bay Crane Operations [J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2012, 39(12), pp.2915-2928. (SCI)

(11)Xiaojun Zhou, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. Preventive maintenance optimization for a multi-component system under changing job shop schedule [J]. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2012, 101, pp.14-20. (SCI)

(12)Lu Chen, Zhiqiang Lu. The storage location assignment problem for outbound containers in a maritime terminal [J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, 135(1), pp.73-80. (SCI)

(13)Zhiqiang Lu, Xiaole Han, Lifeng Xi. Simultaneous Berth and Quay Crane Allocation Problem in Container Terminal [J]. Advanced Science Letters, 2011, Vol. 4, No. 6-7, pp.2113-2118. (SCI)

(14)Xiaole Han, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. A Proactive Approach for Simultaneous Berth and Quay Crane Scheduling Problem with Stochastic Handling Time [J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, 207, pp.1327-1340. (SCI)

(15)Zhiqiang Lu, Nathalie Bostel. A Facility Location Model for Logistic Systems Including Reverse Flows: the Case of Remanufacturing Activities [J]. Computer & Operations Research. 2007, 34(2), pp.299-323. (SCI)

(16)Jianzhong Mo, Jianguo Cai, Zongmao Zhang, Zhiqiang Lu. DFA-oriented assembly relation modeling [J], International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 1999, 12(3), pp.238-250. (SCI)

(17)Zhiqiang Lu, Nathalie Bostel, Pierre Dejax. Simple Plant Location Problem with Reverse Logistics Systems. Supply Chain Optimization: Product/Process Design, Facility Location and Flow Control, 2005, 94, pp.151-166.

(18)Xiaojun Zhou, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. A dynamic opportunistic preventive maintenance policy for multi-unit series systems with intermediate buffers [J]. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 2010, 6(3), pp.276-288. (EI)

(19)Zhiqiang Lu, Wen Wu, Xiaole Han, Juliane Niravong. Integration of berth allocation and quay crane assignment in tidal container ports[J]. Journal of Donghua University(English version), 2015, 32(4), pp559-564+570. (EI)

(20)Cailin Jiang, Zhiqiang Lu, Wei-wei Cui. Heuristics for the Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Preventive Maintenance[J]. Journal of Shanghai JiaoTong University(English Version), 2016, 21(1), pp112-120. (EI)

(21)Xiaojun Zhou, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. Opportunistic Preventive Maintenance Optimization for Multi-Unit Series Systems with combing Multi-Preventive Maintenance Techniques [J]. Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science), 2010, 15, pp.513-518. (EI)

(22)Lin Wang, Zhiqiang Lu. A Predictive Production Planning with Condition-Based Maintenance in a Deteriorating Production System. 2016 International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering, 2016/08/27-29, Jeju-Do, South Korea. (EI)

(23)Wei-wei Cui, Zhiqiang Lu. Integrated production scheduling and periodic maintenances on a single machine with release dates. 10th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp353-358, Taipei, Taiwan, August,18,2014. (EI)

(24)Wei-Wei Cui, Zhiqiang Lu. Simultaneously scheduling production plan and maintenance policy for a single machine with failure uncertainty, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation,June 12, 2013. (EI)

(25)Zhiqiang Lu and etc. Weighted cost rate-based heuristic scheduling method for semiconductor furnaces. 2010 International Conference on Frontiers of Manufacturing and Design Science, ICFMD2010. (EI)

(26)Zhiqiang Lu, Yuejun Zhang. A joint model of production and preventive maintenance plan. 2010 International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2010. (EI)

(27)Xiaole Han, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. Lagrangian Relaxation for Multiprocessor Task Scheduling Problem with Variable Job Profiles. 2010 International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2010. (EI)

(28)Leilin Yu, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi, Zhan Wan, Lin Li. Modeling and Optimization on Yard Allocation Planning for Container Terminals. 2010 International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, ICAMMP 2010. (EI)

(29)Leilin Yu, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. A Two-Phase Optimization Research for Container Yard Planning. The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information management and engineering, April 2010, 3, pp.547-551. (EI)

(30)Kewei Zheng, Zhiqiang Lu, Xiaoming Sun. An Effective Parallel Improving Tabu Search Algorithm for Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), 2010, pp.42-46. (EI)

(31)Kewei Zheng, Zhiqiang Lu, Xiaoming Sun. An effective heuristic for the integrated scheduling problem of automated container handling system using twin 40' cranes. The 2nd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS), 2010, pp.406-410. (EI)

(32)Kewei Zheng, Zhiqiang Lu, Xiaoming Sun. A column generation method for quay crane scheduling problem. International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management, 2010, 1, pp.81-85. (EI)

(33)Leilin Yu, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. Research on Allocation for Block Workload of Container Yard under Multi-ship Delivery. The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, 2010, 2, pp.533-537. (EI)

(34)Leilin Yu, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. Storage Assignment and Optimization Research of AS/RS Based on a Hybrid Tabu Search Algorithm. The 39th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2009. (EI)

(35)Leilin Yu, Zhiqiang Lu, Lifeng Xi. Research on Storage Space Allocation Model of Containers in Container Yard Based on Mixture Storage. The 16th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2009, pp.1009-1013. (EI)

(36)陆志强,杨超. 基于项目网络拆分决策的多项目协同调度问题建模[J]. 上海交通大学学报,2017, 51(2).(EI)

(37)蒋凯丽,陆志强,崔维伟. 考虑周期预防性维护的两阶段混合流水线调度研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统. (EI, 录用)

(38)陆志强,赵婵媛,崔维伟. 串行生产系统预防性维护计划建模与优化[J]. 哈尔滨工程大学学报,2017, 38(2).(EI)

(39)任逸飞,陆志强,刘欣仪,张猛. 考虑技能水平的多技能资源约束项目调度研究[J]. 浙江大学学报.(EI, 录用)

(40)吴怡薇,陆志强. 飞机移动装配线资源水平问题的建模研究[J]. 工业工程与管理,2017, 22(1).pp91-98.

(41)刘欣怡, 陆志强. 作业时间依赖资源分配决策的项目调度问题的建模与算法[J]. 上海交通大学学报. (EI, 录用)

(42)赵婵媛,陆志强,崔维伟,考虑随机故障的流水线调度问题前摄优化方法[J]. 浙江大学学报,2016,50(4):641-649. (EI)

(43)张猛,陆志强. 多技能资源约束项目调度问题的改进算法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2016, 22(3),pp784-794.(EI)

(44)王林,陆志强.串行生产系统维护计划与缓冲分配的联合优化[J]. 计算机集成制造, 2016,22(5), pp1296-1304. (EI)

(45)陆志强, 张思源, 崔维伟. 集成预防性维护和流水线调度的鲁棒性优化研究[J].自动化学报, 2015, Vol.41, No.5. pp906-913. (EI)

(46)张博文, 陆志强, 张岳君. 基于系统可靠性的生产与维护计划联合决策[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,Vol.21,No.8, pp. 2079-2088. (EI)

(47)张博文, 陆志强, 张岳君. 并行机系统生产计划与预防性维护联合建模[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2015, 49(4), pp564-571. (EI)

(48)张思源, 陆志强, 崔维伟. 考虑设备周期性维护的流水车间生产调度优化算法[J].计算机集成制造系统, 2014, 20, pp1379-1387. (EI)

(49)张岳君, 陆志强. 一种基于设备运行的预防性维护与生产批量联合决策模型[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014, 20, pp1737-1742. (EI)

(50)崔维伟, 陆志强,潘尔顺. 基于多目标优化的生产调度与设备维护集成研究[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2014, 20,pp1398-1404. (EI)

(51)张振毓, 陆志强, 韩笑乐. 基于前摄-反应的泊位岸桥鲁棒性集成调度[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2014, 20(5), pp1181-1190. (EI)

(52)江才林, 陆志强, 崔维伟. 考虑周期预防性维护的异速并行机集成调度研究[J]. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2014, 35(11), pp795-801. (EI)

(53)蓝天皓, 陆志强, 张岳君. 单机系统预防性维护与生产批量联合决策研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2014, 19(2), pp55-61.

(54)黄方明,陆志强,崔维伟. 平行机系统生产调度与维护计划联合优化[J]. 工业工程与管理,2013, 18(4), pp169-175.

(55)崔维伟,陆志强. 单机系统的生产调度与预防性维护的集成优化[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2012,46(12), pp.30-34. (EI)

(56)桂小娅,陆志强,韩笑乐. 集装箱码头泊位与岸桥集成调度研究[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2013, 47(02), pp226-229. (EI)

(57)陆志强, 王佳跃等. 带缓冲区的设备多目标预防性维护决策建模[J]. 计算机集成制造系统, 2010, Vol.16(10), pp.2124-2128. (EI)

(58)梁亮, 陆志强. 集装箱码头装卸系统集成作业调度的建模与算法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2010, 30(3), pp.476-483. (EI)

(59)陆志强, 梁亮. 集装箱码头装卸设备调度问题的析取图建模和相关性质分析[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2009, 9(4), pp.98-102+107.

(60)王展, 陆志强, 潘尔顺. 堆区混贝的堆场场吊调度模型与算法[J]. 系统工程理论与实践. 2012, 32(1), pp.182-188. (EI)

(61)史玉雷,陆志强. 基于供应商经济生产批量的供应链订单分配问题[J]. 上海交通大学学报. 2011, 45(12), pp.1747-1752. (EI)

(62)周超云,陆志强. 基于非对称性质量风险的供应链运作决策分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报. 2011,45(12), pp.1782-1787. (EI)

(63)李晨, 陆志强, 陈璐. 具有甲板和碰撞约束的岸桥混合装卸作业调度优化[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2010, 44(8), pp1159-1164. (EI)

(64)陈誉文, 陆志强, 奚立峰. 基于聚类-禁忌搜索的协同物流网络资源需求定制及成本分析[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2009, 43(9), pp.1407-1411+1416. (EI)

(65)韩笑乐, 陆志强, 奚立峰. 具有服务优先级别的动态离散泊位调度问题的优化研究[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2009, 43(6), pp.902-905. (EI)

(66)陈旻, 陆志强. 基于最小化订单总拖期的仓储系统备货作业调度建模与优化[J].上海交通大学学报, 2009, 43(12), pp.1916-1922. (EI)

(67)魏江宁, 陆志强, 奚立峰. 同物流模式下多批次整车运输调度问题[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2009, 43(11), pp.1780-1783. (EI)

(68)祁文祥, 陆志强. 带软时间窗的多车辆集货与送货路径规划问题[J]. 交通运输工程学报, 2010, 10(2), pp.99-103. (EI)

(69)潘尔顺, 陆志强, 周剑. 考虑故障率交互作用的双组件系统周期性预防维护策略[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2011, 31(3), pp. 537-543. (EI)

(70)李鑫, 周炳海, 陆志强. 基于事件驱动的集束型晶圆制造设备调度算法[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2009, 43(6), pp.898-901. (EI)

(71)李鑫, 周炳海, 陆志强. 基于驻留约束的半导体晶圆蚀刻系统实时调度算法[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2009, 43(11), pp.1742-1750. (EI)

(72)王琰,陆志强. 基于多重约束的飞机移动装配线作业调度优化[J]. 工业工程与管理,2011,16(6), pp.115-120.

(73)沈正花, 陆志强. 基于仿真的半导体自动物料搬运系统调度优化[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2011,16(1), pp.85-90.

(74)陈璐,陆志强. 自动化立体仓库中的储位分配及存取路径优化[J]. 管理工程学报,2012,26(1), pp.42-47.

(75)侯彬,高峰,陆志强,陈誉文,带时限与回程的配送中心运输调度问题研究[J]. 工业工程与管理,2012,17(1), pp.7-12+20.

(76)潘雪娇, 陆志强, 奚立峰. 基于遗传算法的协同物流资源选择模式研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2009, 14(5), pp.31-35.

(77)魏江宁, 陆志强, 奚立峰. 基于多代理系统的协同物流模式研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2009, No.6, pp.24-27.

(78)韩笑乐, 梁亮, 陆志强, 奚立峰. 集装箱码头岸吊作业调度建模及调度策略研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2009, 14(5), pp.20-26.

(79)温智明, 陆志强, 孙小明. 自动化集装箱码头运输系统设备配置的仿真优化研究[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2009, 14(1), pp.36-39.

(80)王雪峰, 陆志强, 杨芳. 多级库存控制的连锁经营企业配送网络设计[J]. 工业工程与管理, 2008, No.5, pp.40-47.