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Prof. Sami Haddadin’s Visit to SME

浏览量:来源: 时间:2024-05-20

In April 2024, Prof. Sami Haddadin, director of the Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence at the Technical University of Munich, visited the School of Mechanical Engineering (SME) of Tongji University to discuss the cooperation. The vice dean of Sino-German College (CDHK) Dr. Jan Harder, the vice dean of SME Prof. Junying Min, Prof. Yichao Tang and Asso. Prof. Haisheng Xia were present.

During the exchange meeting, Prof. Junying Min, Prof. Yichao Tang and Asso. Prof. Haisheng Xia introduced the international cooperation of SME, the research focuses of of intelligent medical robotics group and wearable robotics group, both parties discussed the cooperation in robotics and other related fields. Afterwards, Prof. Sami Haddadin visited the laboratories in the fields of intelligent manufacturing and robotics of SME.

The Technical University of Munich is worldwide one of the top universities in the field of robotics, Prof. Sami Haddadin’s visit has expanded the cooperation of SME with German partners and promoted the Sino-German research collaboration in new field.